AmuNation AMA Recap (6th December 2022)

On the 6th December 2022, we took part in an AMA with our community to answer their questions.

In this edition, we discussed a number of topics including:

📉 FTX Scandal

🌞 $SOL

💧 Liquidity Pools

🧿 AmuNation app upgrades

📈 Future plans

🤝 Partnerships

Plus so much more!

This blog has the audio recap and transcript for your reference. Feel free to use the information here as you wish!



Rupert – Amulet  00:00

Why is it that with Discord, Do you find it that Discord always comes out the right hand speaker?

Rob – Amulet  00:09

I’ve never noticed. But now I feel like you said that it did come out the right hand speaker. Yeah. Yeah. For sure. It definitely does. I’ve never noticed that before. 

Rupert – Amulet  00:21

If anybody in the AmuNation has a fix for that. It just something is so minor, but it really annoys me.

Rob – Amulet  00:29

That’s me. Okay. Cool. So I guess with the three of us, we can we can get going if that’s good with you two!

Rupert – Amulet  00:35

Yeah, absolutely.

Rob – Amulet  00:39

So today, we’ve got me, marketing, Martin, of community. And Rupert, who is the leader of the pack, we will be will be answering the questions that we’ve got today. Thank you everyone for coming. You will get POAPs at the end. And these are the coolest POAPs, the probably the future POAPs that we do will never look as cool as today’s. So by joining today, you’ve literally got the coolest POAP will ever do. We’ve got a few questions that we can go through. They’re all very similar lines. But you might you might feel like ahh ive answered these questions before, but I think it’s perfect to just get through them and

Rupert – Amulet  01:18

Always, always important chap. I recognise that there are new people here every week. So every other week even. So, yeah, sorry, for those who have heard the answers before, but for the for the new people, then by all means, yeah, keep on asking.

Rob – Amulet  01:32

And we’ve got Shin here and in charge of tech, which is great. And it’s just reading, which is good, because there’s some there’s so it’s a shame Jimmy isn’t here because some questions might be good, but I think would have been good for him. But but let’s just go through them. Because I do have a meeting in about 45 minutes. All right, boom, one second. I keep losing it now in the surf all the time. I had it prepared. So I’m gonna start with the questions from Toony, which were asked before we announced this AMA, the probably the most complicated ones. Like there’s a question before we get from USERNAME. But we can cover that later with one of the other questions that are there. So we’ll start off with some of the quite technical ones. You might hear quite a bit of Shin here. But the first question is about yield back claims. And it’s an Amulet can mint aUWT debt backed by the protocols there to future years to make claim payouts, how much future revenue can be minted in advance? And what are the relevant parameters? This one is perfect for Shin

Shin – Amulet  02:43

So yeah, I mean, I’m gonna comment, but basically, it’s just based on our projection of our future you but you can’t be unlimited. So currently, there’s a hard limit on it, there will be 20% of our main common pool. So that will grow. I mean, along with scar tissue. So it’s really small currently. So yeah. But eventually when we grow up to attract enough material, and also we have a stable income in the POS, plus the premium income, that in that capacity, additional capacity should be able to allow us to underwrite I mean, more in I mean, in in gross in your mouth as far as the different kinds of products. Yeah. Cool.

Rob – Amulet  03:31

And, yeah, that makes sense. I think a lot of these questions is reading through the inventory. And it might be some, it might be a little bit later, we’ll have the similar answer. It’s because that, you know, some of them, I think, they’re, they’re not necessarily appreciate that. Obviously, we had the main at lunch, maybe at the end of September. So a lot of the stuff will be for the future here. Because the second question is about the treasury pool. And whether we are open with the address and whether there are any assets within that at the moment. Isn’t that better? I guess you would be the best person to be with that. Probably would’ve been Jimmy. But do you have an insight into that at

Shin – Amulet  04:07

Yeah, so for the Treasury personally, we build the what we call PCUV is a protocol controlled under underwriting value. There’s a specific smart contract. So there will be a loss of pools depends on the mean token. So there will be so all the accounts actually was tied to a special specific PDA actually, I mean, it’s just transparent and visible to everyone on the blockchain.

Rob – Amulet  04:37

Cool. And that kind of things get into third question. I’ll answer the second part of it. And I think it’d be good for your candidates even development with the moment. The third question is, is there a good dashboard for amulets? And has there been any previous payouts claims? So I’ll say with regards to payouts and claims, we’ve had seven claims, and all seven of them are just people testing our system. So there hasn’t been Only exploits on the protocols that we cover, which is why there haven’t been any payouts. And we know that the claim system works because we’ve had seven attacks in the one month, we’ve been live into two weeks of pausing sales after FTX. We had we’ve had several so we know the system system works. A dashboard is coming. Do you want to explain a bit more about that, Shin?

Shin – Amulet  05:24

So yeah, dashboard is we from internally, we know, we do have a set of dashboards. But currently, I mean, most of the dashboard is small for us to monitor I mean, the on chain activities. We also have development initiative to provide more visibility, I mean, including the PCUV, as I mentioned in the previous question, they will be giving you more transparency in how the protocol operates.

Rob – Amulet  05:50


Rupert – Amulet  05:51

As a quick aside to the, if you’re looking for PCUV in our documentation, it’s actually called PCR now,

Rob – Amulet  06:03

Protocol Controlled Reserves but that’s only the third iteration of the name in the 12 months

Rupert – Amulet  06:13

A little bit more confusing. It’s not intentional, I promise.

Rob – Amulet  06:18

I’m gonna continue with these questions. Because it makes sense to this question when the SCR reaches its limit, the whole underwriting pool will be locked to avoid liquidity risk, and surely the minimum of required capital is maintained in the underwriting pool. So that’s obviously in our light labour. What’s if the value of the underwriting capital and the anyone wants to say that question I’m gonna get Shin to answer

Shin – Amulet  06:47

I’m sorry, I didn’t get 100% of the question. Can you?

Rob – Amulet  06:51

Yeah, no problem said it’s when the SCR reaches its limit, the whole underwriting pool will be locked to avoid liquidity risk and shrink the minimum required capital is maintained in the underwriting pool. The question is, what if the value of the underwriting capital drops?

Shin – Amulet  07:07

So, currently, I mean, if you if you look at the underwriting Academy mechanism here, so we are fully backed by so So basically, I mean, then we’ll build upon the synthetic assets and also there will be amtSOL on top of Sol, and auwt on top of amtSOL, so, so these values are fully pegged. So that actually I mean, help us to hedge like 100% against this. So market risk. So if the market market price, so drop actually is not going to it’s not going to affect the the value per se, because we are actually the value is denominated in so I guess while they’re actually answers half of the your concern on the other half. So the capacity versus the mental capital state versus a currency actually fully locked by a formula. So based on the I mean, the leverage we said on the common pool as far as the set was taking the individual. So actually, this is tightly packed. So we there’s no ambiguity, ambiguity between that. So is the hedging of the market price of sol and the tight peg between the capital as well as the capacity actually, I mean, we are not really worried about the volatility of surprise, as well as I mean, the inflow and outflow of the capital.

Rupert – Amulet  08:36

Just to add on to that one, I don’t think this is necessary. This question is all about the volatility of soul. I think it’s more about you know, if a payout happens, and we kind of execute that, and so just to kind of clear up some of it, the answer on that, when a claim happens comes into our system when we when we see a claim event happening we lock the pools so as not to pull out the cash after that event, which is where the question comes in when we unlock what stops people from coming in and grabbing all their cash and making sure that there’s no underwriting capital less left and that and correct me if I’m wrong ation that our minimum underwriting capacity comes into effect, right? whereby there is always a minimum amount required with inside the system for the system to operate and you cannot withdraw belong beyond that minimum route, but that’s that’s correct. raishin

Shin – Amulet  09:42

correct. So yeah, we saw our the mechanism how it works is yeah, there will be a minimum capital requirements we’ll make sure that we are able to pay out or active cover. So we see I mean, we’ve seen a spinning wheel which is which generous continuously income from the POS as well as the s verse and the cover purchase. So you keep referring, the our underwriting pool. So you’re guaranteed that eventually we’ll be able to withdraw money if you want to. Yes.

Rupert – Amulet  10:17

One other thing is I want to be clear about this is that obviously when you talk about lockups people get a little bit concerned, I understand that the reason why that we built amulet in the first place is built on a totally different model to other insurance firms. So whereas other firms that you might see in the industry, you know, they go through a claim process, they lock up the cash. And as soon as the claim process is done, all this money outflows out of the out of the company, because they’re so concerned and they’ve had this massive hit on their capital. The way we’re built means that you shouldn’t have that massive hit on your capital, you should have a hit on your, on your rewards on your on your, on your the interest earned, but not on the principle. And that is that that’s the core of everything that we’ve designed. amulet is in order to make the risk on your principal as low as possible. So that we don’t have those massive outflows. So that encourages people to carry on staking and there is an impact to your to yield and not your principal. That is the that that’s that’s very, very cool and different fundamental between us and any other platform that because when you because it’s a different fundamental, it’s quite difficult to get across. And so I understand, you know, kind of where the question comes from.

Rob – Amulet  11:55

Cool. makes sense, The, I’m gonna have to try and learn to speak English slower, because I think I’m when I talk, I’m confusing people. So I’ll make a conscious effort to speak. The final question from this section is about underwriting. That’s not about underwriting tokens. Do we have any plans to diversify underwriting tokens? For example, accepting stable coins? I’m gonna hand that over to you as well, Shin.

Shin – Amulet  12:30

There’s actually a fair I mean, really good question. So. So currently, we do have a plan to accept the stable coin. But I mean, but to brand stable coin in we have to figure out a stable way to reinvest a stable coin. So we did not want to use like move users funds to some protocols that eventually we’re going to lose the money. So that’s why we that’s why we stay cautious on this direction. But yeah, dig quick answer. Yes. Yes, we definitely look into that. Awesome.

Rob – Amulet  13:06

I’m gonna add on to the we’ve got a lot of questions about NFTs, and this is kind of irrelevant for me to explain, because Meison’s question regarding about the NFT collections, and some stuff that KinGeri’ss asked as well. And we’ve got news this week. It’s going to be on Friday. There will be people who want to know more than specific information, we’re going to public, some of the utility information with regards to the NFT. This week on Friday, that announcement will come through. And so a lot of these answers will be a lot of these questions will get answered purely from an announcement on Friday with the blog post that comes with it as well. So a lot of soon, so Meison’s question, I will, I will answer you will, that we’ll find out on Friday. The next question from minute coffee, again, it’s kind of covered on me. It’s what did what did the developers come to the community about of a blockchain? I only closed off the survey at the end of last week. Thank you to everyone who took part, we had, I think, over 200 responses. So really impressive. But that’s also going to take some time to go through. I am currently going through them, there’s going to be a lot of content, I’m going to make a lot of that open. So a lot of you can see what other people have been saying. And yeah, I’ll be bringing you some of that survey content throughout the month of December. So another one to keep your eyes peeled with one of our favourite questions which we only get asked all the time. And I’ll see who wants when can we expect to see the tokenomics of Amulet? Who would like to cover that one this week?

Rupert – Amulet  14:56

That’s a very good question. Actually. When will you be able to expect the Economics. I mean, they, that I think it’s fairly public in terms of all the economics, we’ve put into our documentation already in terms of how the system operates, I think there’s probably pertained to the economics of the AMT token. And we’ve talked about, you know, the utility and the governance that the AMT token is going to have. But really like more detail on that it’s going to be much, much later, it’s not the right time to launch a token in the industry. If you launch a token right now, you’re really just doing it out there to do some sort of hype cash grab, which is not what this project is all about. This projects about changing insurance for the better for the long term. So we’re looking to probably launch are taken when we, the market goes into a better Bull Run. And that’s for being honest about it. Probably more likely to be around 2024. If not later than that. I think this this, this crypto winter is going to be long. And I think it’s gonna be hard. But I think it’s going to reward those who stick around and stay in in this industry for the long term. I’ve been in it since 2016. I’ve been through a crypto winter before, not particularly much fun. You have a lot of depressing conferences. And you never know when the light at the end of the tunnel is or when it’s coming. But suddenly it arises. And then it’s here and it catches you off guard. If we’re in a good enough position that we’ve designed what we want to do, and we’ve released all that documentation, and then we release the actual token. And I think that’s actually a pretty good position to be in. Yeah, if there’s any more questions around the tokenomics, though, I mean, yeah, hit us up in the in the telegram, you can come telegram to Discord. And we will come back individually about that,

Rob – Amulet  16:55

And it’s fair to say probably wasn’t a good time before the FTX situation. Yeah, situations just just made it take a step back even further. Yeah, it wasn’t a good time before this whole recent collapse with the market as it was. Cool. I did have a written the one I was getting. Okay. Do we have an update on our multi chain plans? Because I’m not going to ask whoever we plan to be multi chain, because we do expect to be multi chain and we obviously have sped up that process? Do we have an update? That any? Maybe, as I’ve seen as well, yeah, if anyone wants to give up on the business, and maybe you and then maybe

Rupert – Amulet  17:40

Do we have an update? No. straight straight on to centre last, you know, as we’ve always said, we are multi chain solution. I know that Shin is, this is a big task for him and his team at the moment in terms of analysing from technical perspective, what we do, there’s a slightly bigger, more macro element to this, which is, it can really change the entire direction of the company. If we make this decision, and we potentially do it in the wrong way, you kind of got two routes, you’ve got the route of going, you know, where everybody is talking about now, where the hype is in this the other? Or do you go down where the TVL is. But if you get on with a TVL’s, you have significant competitors in that arena. If you go down, the route of of hype and excitement is you don’t have any TVL or any kind of you know, network to actually start selling into. So it’s not a straightforward, easy question. You know, if you just go by heart on this stuff, it’s gonna end up Yeah, going in the wrong direction. So we really do have to spend an awful lot of time in terms of you know, making the decision in the right way. So, do I have an update? No. Well, we have an update. Yes. And who will be the first to know you guys say that’s my that’s my answer.

Rob – Amulet  19:17

Make sense completely. Next question, which kind of for me and Martin, but we need to work at it. It’s just I think we’ve obviously spoken previously about trying to give people within this amazing community to to have their own amulet T shirts or some merchandise and swag. Obviously the logistics have been hard. Yeah, if someone if someone still wants to, we can also send to PO boxes. There’s something that we can we’re still willing to do for you. For you guys. If you want to share your support to Amulet, we will. We can easily arrange some swag, just the amas and yeah, we’ll work on it and there will always support anything. I think Rupert mentioned last time if anyone goes through events and they want to do something with Amulet, we’re always trying to support it. Wherever we can stand logistically, just so you representing the band a bit more, we’ve got no issue with that suggest. If you’ve got those intentions, let us know. And we’ll we’ll work with you to get that sorted.

Martin/Pinto – Amulet  20:18

From my side, I did quite intensive of research in the way how we can ship some some of those to you guys. But unfortunately, with the current situation, I didn’t find any single company who is able to do it, but from another hand, I did send a few emails to a local local companies who might be able to produce some some quantity of them. For you guys. It is a little bit of body of the language but it is in in progress to find find the supplier who will be able to, to support.

Rob – Amulet  20:57

Awesome, I’ll be coming back to you in a second. I’ll just quickly cover handler, is it possible to find out details about what bonuses NFT metabears will have? Yes, on Friday, it will be possible. So I’ll release that. But I’ll just say again, so I’m totally committed to it. And that you can all hold me by these words, you will all know the utility by Friday, on Friday, not by Friday, on Friday. And I’ll come back to you again Pinto because I think it’s good. It’s a question basically about you. Obviously, we we posted up for those who are unaware last week we do too. For many reasons, mainly for grading purposes, we’ve people will know that we’ve increased the unmute points, but because of that we’ve also increased how many new points you need to get to gold. So the question is before raising the rates on ammunition, which is about raising how much points you need to get to gold, you promised to charge all the points that were suspended in the process, but this did not happen. There was still some open tickets. When will the debts be processed? Matter?

Martin/Pinto – Amulet  22:04

Yeah, currently, we think we did most of the of the points even even the outstanding ones to the to the developers, which are that into the account. But if you believe then those points are could move you to the gold, golden ft. at that. That day of switching, please let me know then we can investigate that. As I haven’t seen any ticket with with this. From the second point, we have some amounts outstanding. As you see, some of you is aware we did have a small glitch in our our AmuNation regard to zero down the points from the users of obviously, we are fully aware then you guys are spend time and efforts to achieve those points, then at this minute, this is the priority for me to resolve. From the good point we did found the issue will resolve the issue. And now I’m going a ticket after ticket to confirm it has been it has been moved back to your old number of points. If you open the tickets, then I will contact you directly on the ticket to confirm that. Cool.

Rob – Amulet  23:16

I’m going to go before I go up to other questions that will go back to you. I’m just going to stay within this topic a little bit more before we go back on to snap dx. So what orgasms asked about whatever, what’s the reason we’ve extended the bounty, we’ve never extended it. It’s just we’ve never put an end date on it. It’s ongoing, there will be changes. I wouldn’t say changes, it’s going to be more upgrades. Yeah, there’s no there’s no reason it’s not because of the bear market is purely because of the way we see the platform. It’s unlike anything else will continue to do ammunition for the foreseeable, though it is not. It’s not that we’ve ever extended a bounty. It’s more that that’s how we started. Gender creates in the community. And now we’re evolving into the next stage which you will find out in Q1 of next year. And your question about the NFTs will be answered on Friday. I’m going to put this question to you. Because I think from a business perspective, you’ve got the right mind to to answer it from your perspective. It’s profitable right now. Staking or liquidity mining.

Rupert – Amulet  24:30

So what’s more profitable right now? Yeah. So right now, I believe it’s staking. You need to double check on the app in terms of the yields that we produce, but I’m 99% sure that if you stake and then you restate that in the cover acceleration programme the best yield that you can

Rob – Amulet  25:00

I think it was taking I took it more generally rather than Amulet focused because obviously it’s amulet focus.

Rupert – Amulet  25:08

How many Diet Cokes is that today, Robert? Just heard that one go.

Rob – Amulet  25:12

That’s number seven.

Rupert – Amulet  25:13

That’s number seven! Does anyone believe Rob has an issue? If that’s number seven, at what time is it for you? Three o’clock? 

Rob – Amulet  25:23

Yeah. 330. I’ve been up at 730. And that’s

Rupert – Amulet  25:29

driving you too hard mate. So just as a bit of an aside when it comes to my own staking inside the platform, and yes, I am 100% stake all of the soul that I own a stake with inside amulet. I just put it in straight into auwt, and I let the system decide. For me. That’s my personal preference, rather than staking it into individual protocols they’re on but that the only reason I don’t do it into individual protocols that I want my categories shared between them. And I also trust in the in the system that we’ve developed and nurtured and developed

Rob – Amulet  26:08

awesome great answer. I’m gonna gonna cover it because I know a lot of people have missed it even though it recovered in the last two AMA’s. But it’s basically moving on to the FTX. Again, how has the crash of FTX affected our money and did really prepared for it?

Rupert – Amulet  26:32

Is that sorry, were we or are we?

Rob – Amulet  26:36

it was were we but what did you prepare was the is the way it’s been phrased? So

Rupert – Amulet  26:40

Did FTX affect us? It’s a multi pronged answer and obviously, subsequent to our kind of emergency ama or ama we add a few few weeks ago, there’s been more and more information and more stuff that’s come out that’s that’s created a bigger effect on the industry. But in short, have we been affected? No. So did we have any money in FTX at the time of the collapse? No, we didn’t as a company I had a few $100 But nothing dramatic. Was our trust of a lot of big players in the industry shaken? Yes As I imagine many other people were as well. Did were we affected by the price of Solana Yes, the price Solana went down. Therefore, we had a lower amount of total underwriting capacity that we could be reporting and $1 number but it didn’t make any difference to how the system operated because everything is pegged back to so so if you have a if you are underwriting a policy with one and auwt you are still underwriting a policy with one auwt that doesn’t change anything, and auwt is a derivative of SOL. So all of those things are fine. The biggest impact more than anything else is the is the lack of TVL across the whole industry. And this has impacted not just salon or those in that salon more than others. It’s impacted. Avalanches impact BSC impacted Polygon ETH. Everywhere. The TVL in DeFi is down significantly since the crash of FTX. And so we’ve been indirectly impacted now we are of the full belief that the industry will come back, we did our raise originally knowing that there was a crash on the way. We didn’t know how it was going to work. But there was no question in our eyes that we were at the peak in November of last year. And so we were coming down. And so when we were doing our raise, and as you know, we closed out on that in, in April of of this year, we did it knowing that we’d have to make that money last for quite some time. So we as a business are fine, you know, the company will continue to go on, the marketing will continue to happen. We may pivot and we may change in terms of the direction of what we have how we’re doing it. And that’s just in reaction to the overall market conditions more than anything else. Because we’re in a flux and a change of a market. We have to flex with it and I think we can I have kind of no concerns about the overall. What were the other parts of that question, Rob? It was what did what did we do to prepare but with what you’ve? I mean, we weren’t really prepared for FTX to go down to be honest. I mean, we had some fun Isn’t there that the Friday prior to it moving, you’re going down, we moved. Just because on the back of the the coin desk report that came out, I think it was on the Wednesday or the Thursday of that week. And it said they weren’t backing up their their assets. We were like, it’s probably best that we should move this up. But it’s probably nothing. We genuinely didn’t think that it was a, it would be a major issue. We didn’t think that FTX of all the companies of all the exchanges out there, were trading their balance sheet, like idiots. I mean, that’s the only answer I’ve got for it. It’s is the what they have done is criminal, irregardless of what SBF thinks is a criminal act and whether or not he was cognizant of the fact that was a criminal act. It was so the guy should go to jail, and we need to clean up this industry. It’s It’s horrific. What’s happened anyway? Well, we prepared No, but I don’t think most people were prepared. The only thing that we did was we did move some funds off FTX. And so as a business, we were totally non exposed to the to it but all of the impact. I don’t think there’s a crypto industry or business out there that hasn’t been impacted by it.

Rob – Amulet  31:26

Yeah. And the next part of the mean, you mentioned previously about, we’ve not changed certain things. One question that was specific about whether we’ve changed is how we’re handling partnerships, and potential partnerships. Have we changed our strategy there at all?

Rupert – Amulet  31:41

No, we have we haven’t changed our strategy there. You will notice that we haven’t announced any partnerships. And that’s because we returned off sales, we turned off. Staking for a little while, like there was we we went into this kind of shit, we don’t quite know what’s going on mode. Let’s just stop everything for a moment until we could get get back up on the horse. We turned sales on I think last week was a Wednesday thing. And we had staking on a little bit before that as well. And the And so yes, we like we’re now back up and running. And also partnerships are going to be flowing as well. I mean, there’s a big announcement this week that Rob’s making, we’re doing the the announcements, there’s various other partnership announcements coming in there in the pipeline. Now.

Rob – Amulet  32:40

There’s a couple that should come out still in December one or two, and then January, you’re going to be buzzing for the new year. Phase that one

Rupert – Amulet  32:50

Loads at the minute, there’s loads and loads coming out. I mean, just in the BD pipelines, and we’re looking at it there’s tonnes that we’ve got that are coming up, which is great. So we’re still operating. But you know, there is no doubt about it. The industry has been severely shocked by everything that’s happened. And yeah, the whole industry has to get back up on it up on the horse and keep on riding.

Rob – Amulet  33:15

Cool. I’ve got three more questions here, which I’ll just cover off myself because they’re quite simple. And then we can see if anyone in the audience fancies to come on the stage this time. So the first one was about new tasks on the ammunition. We updated it yesterday. We updated it two times. Last week, we’ll be updating it every single week. There’ll be a minimum of once a week, it could be twice a week. I’m I’m directly putting the start dates and end dates on it now. I read all that data and get it will count. And yeah, as you can see by the amount of people that signed up to the event today, and the amount of people that retweeted our tweet about it. We are that dates in tasks. And we have every Friday me Martin and one of the developers from the ammunition we set together and we just made sure everything’s right for you guys for the following week. So we’ve got we’ve now got a good system in place to be able to keep those updates consistent for you. The second question our cover off is just it’s just really about why we upgraded the number of well, it was about the 88 gold NFTS, and whether people will still be able to get them. That’s one of the reasons we upgrade how hard it is to get into a gold NFT. Me and Martin in particular, then if you’ll want to add anything at the end, but we’re constantly we’re constantly reviewing and making sure that everyone gets things the right way and fairly. So that’s why these upgrades happen where we have to sometimes push up the number of points, but we still make it fairly. We then just also raise the amount points you can get for those that are constantly paid. We’d like the majority of people in this at AMA. So that’s one of the reasons why we do it. So we’re all on top of it, no one’s going to miss out. And that’s that’s the right thing to say. And the third question I’ve already responded to in that passage is all about whether we’re using external people for marketing, like galaxy or layer three. That’s a musket. I’ve messaged him earlier today, we’re going to discuss about this and see what he why he thinks that’s good. And I’m now talking directly to USERNAME, because I know a lot of people liked his question there. So yeah, anything that’s free, I’m always happy to look at the results of our work. I’ll speak to USERNAME this week. And we’ll see and get stuff in place for the next AMA that we do. And that covers off the main questions that we have here. So let me just get back onto the stage. And see, I’m going to just clear any respect requests to speak now. And if anyone does have a question, feel free to request now we can invite you on to the stage.

Rupert – Amulet  36:04

Deafening silence.

Rob – Amulet  36:06

I know it never is funny, because the one time I finish shimmers here too. But the one time I just remember thinking the one time that people come on stage. You Jimmy, I think there was just me and Martin actually, maybe she was. But yeah, maybe but I didn’t. We did have a couple of people requests to speak in the middle of the AMA, but they seem to have gone now. Which is why I think it’s gone quiet again.

Rupert – Amulet  36:33

It’s my it’s cuz I’m just so damn macho. I am scaring everybody away, Sorry, guys.

Rob – Amulet  36:42

I think it’s just because we answered the questions, we covered what they wanted to ask so now they dont need to ask

Rupert – Amulet  36:49

Just watch the numbers as it is everybody flees, they is there no other questions for today, because we’ve got a little bit of time extra?

Rob – Amulet  37:00

No, no, no other no other questions. That seems to be it. Because the ones we did get quite a lot on Twitter. But they’re all pretty much what we’ve covered. There’s nothing that’s not been mentioned there. So then if there’s anything you wanted to add, maybe as a way to give people anything you wanted to add,

Rupert – Amulet  37:15

I have got I’ve got one last thing, I guess which is first off, this is my last ama before the end of the year, so I won’t be at the next one is just you and into I think or whoever on our team is turning up. So I’m a way that that that the Tuesday in two weeks time. So the only thing I will add to this is to the entire nation have a very, very happy holidays. And I’ll see you in the new year.

Rob – Amulet  37:49

Happy Holidays to you as well. I guess I’ll speak on behalf of everyone. They always you want to. As you can see, we actually and Animoca brands notice. But as you all decided we will change our branding on Twitter over earlier for Christmas before the end of the World Cup. And one of our investors, Animoto brands did a nice little Twitter thing about it yesterday, I had to let everyone know how that be within the festive within the festive spirit. They’re working. But at least we can work with a Christmas hat on.

Rupert – Amulet  38:23

Nice. Wow. Well, if there’s no other questions, then we’re gonna bounce. But thank you very much for for joining me. Rob and Pinto will see you in a couple of weeks time. Jimmy, thank you for your input as always.

Martin/Pinto – Amulet  38:45

Any questions after this AMA just drop me a message or pass the message through Meison as well. Hopefully, hopefully he will be not upset and I volunteer him to collect the questions. But if you if you have any, let us know if I cannot respond out make sure then I will chase Rupert, or someone from our core team to make sure you get the answer.

Rob – Amulet  39:07

I’ll drop the POAP minting links. There it’s first come first serve. We actually we got the rig. I’ve got 100 So everyone should be able to get one. Well, 99 Because I’ve taken one obviously.

Rupert – Amulet  39:21

They can. Can I have one? 

Rob – Amulet  39:23

Yes, for sure. I’ll send you your link separately. And you have a 98 links and because they do go correct, but this is probably the coolest power app. I use metabank GIF for preview that we’ve already shared previously. But it looks really cool on the power app. So I’ll drop all them off and in the next five minutes. Thank you. Thanks, guys. Happy holidays. Bye

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