Amulet x Catheon Gaming: The New Frontiers of DeFi and Fintech

At the beginning of August 2022, we sat down with Catheon Gaming for the latest episode of their podcast series: The New Frontiers of DeFi and Fintech.

In this exciting Twitter Space/Podcast. We discussed a variety of topics including:

🧿 What is Amulet Protocol?
⛓️ Being on Solana and future chains
🖥️ Hacks within Web3 and the industry
🕹️ GameFi and protection options
💰 DeFi, Fintech and the state of the game

See below for both the Audio and the Transcript.

Audio Recap:

Transcripted Audio Recap:

Catheon Gaming  

Okay can you hear me guys now okay I guess so. Okay and let’s let’s wait again for guests.

Rupert – Amulet  

Hello Can you hear me Catheon?

Catheon Gaming  

Oh yeah now

Rupert – Amulet  

There we go. 

Catheon Gaming  

I didn’t know what was the problem but every time there is like a small technical problem I had to get rid of my earphones now I’m just with with with a speaker I hope like the quality is not too bad and everyone can understand at least what I say. And yeah, welcome Oh, we also have Amulet on which is your project that we’ll cover later. Let me make it speaker as well. How are you?

Rupert – Amulet  

Very good. You’re doing well. Very good. Well, where are you? So I’m based in Lisbon in Portugal. I’m currently in the Solana summer camp, which is a workspace that Solana have set up for the next month. Yeah, to collaborate and attack with a few other folks. Sun shining, blue skies, I can see the beach. We’re on a rooftop. It’s pretty good.

Catheon Gaming  

Yeah, I mean, Portugal is becoming like more and more like a, like a like a hub for crypto projects and Web3 creators and everything I remember I was there, when was it end of March for the NFT Summit, where we ran a couple of workshops and we were just at this incredible event. And then we discovered like not only like the nightlife of course, but so many little spots and places where crypto people and people from the industry investors and everything they gather and and they it’s just becoming I’m not sure why probably because of tax taxation like tax reasons, but it’s becoming more and more popular in the crypto space. 

Rupert – Amulet  

Everybody so pessimistic. Just like we travel here for the tax in the sunshine

Catheon Gaming  

Right I mean of course weather is amazing. Food is amazing. Everything is great in Portugal. Yeah. 

Rupert – Amulet  

Yeah, it’s a pretty great environment. I mean, we’re we’re very lucky we’re very spoilt. But you know, it’s come out of a you know, a few different things. So I obviously we had the global pandemic and people got shut up and then when people wanted to travel when they realised they could work remotely that drove in a huge amount of tech talent into Portugal region, you know, from places like London from places like Berlin from Moscow, you know, that these places are, you know, big metropolitan areas. And during the pandemic, it wasn’t fun to live in these places people wanted a bit more outdoor life. And, you know, they recognise that yes, there is a very beneficial tax system here in, in Portugal. But actually, the schools are incredible. But if you’ve got kids, you know, the the nightlife is incredible if you’re young and free and want to get out and, you know, it just got so many different things going for it. And, yeah, with regards to crypto, it’s just become a real Mecca, you know, real harp, and they’ve embraced it a lot here. It will eventually be tapped. So if you’re thinking about moving heads up, bear that in mind, but it’s, it’s certainly going to be tax cheaper here than it will be anywhere else. So that’s why I’m a big believer in a little bit of ecosystem.

Catheon Gaming  

Yeah, and, and so can you can you, can you tell me, I mean, I actually, I didn’t introduce yourself or maybe if you can introduce briefly yourself and also like, I mean, really interested in what, what is this Solana summer camp? So maybe you can also give me some insights or on like, what are you guys doing? Is it something secret? You’re building the new, like Solana 2.0? Or is just maybe in a place where you network with other projects? I don’t know what’s going on there. I’m curious

Rupert – Amulet  

So yeah, well, first of all, thank you very much for having me on the podcast and on the the space live as well. It’s really great way very efficient way of recording podcasts and creating content for the community. I’m MetaBear, my real name is Rupert I fully non anonymous, you can always find me at live events going round. And I the project lead of Amulet Protocol, Amulet is a DeFi risk protection protocol. We are built on Solana for the rust based ecosystem. The reason why we do that is because we like to operate with a much faster chain and a much faster ecosystem. And also the opportunity to work with games. And that’s where we cross over, we really believe that the future of finance is actually embedded inside games. And whilst we’re not quite there with the gaming community, of importing everybody into crypto, we truly believe that’s where the next frontier is gonna be generated. And, you know, the idea being, you know, when I was a teenager playing GTA for hours, and hours and hours on end, if I could have earned a wage from that without having to be a pro gamer, then that would have been a real career option for me. And I would have loved to have gone down that path. And I think there were hundreds of 1000s if not millions of kids around the world who are in that same boat. And so we give them the opportunity with Defi inside the game. And that’s how we create the new Gamefi economy and cover options are gonna be a big part of that. That’s why we’re built on these faster change to collaborate in those and yeah, it’s a little bit about me, I think was the second question. It was about summer camp. Was that right? Yes. Okay. Okay. So 

Catheon Gaming  

Inside, so on, like what’s going on over there if it’s something secret or your guys just networking?

Rupert – Amulet  

No secrets are over here in in Solana world. So summer camp is initiative from the Solana Foundation, to engage the various communities around the world and give a space for you to work and network and meet the other projects in your local area. So there’s some cap happening in London in Singapore in San Francisco and Lisbon. Quite a few different spaces across the world. And it’s literally it’s a free co working space. So check out Solana summer camp, just Google that and you’ll be able to find a space local to you and go down and meet people there’s free food and free drinks but most importantly, there’s a desk for you to work at and people in your community to collaborate and it’s all about collaboration. It’s about great creating a better developer community, a better community where we’re able to talk to each other work out what each other are doing and work out what how we can collaborate and do the things bigger and better and that’s it’s all enabled and paid for by by salon. So no, sadly, no Solana 2.0. No doubt though this probably lead into the questions about what’s happening on Solana, have you seen the news?

Catheon Gaming  

Yes, not only today, but also like, like, I mean to summarise, I think like that Solana, the Solana bootcamp is great for for everyone, but probably also for people that maybe they have a great idea and they don’t have maybe they are really, really early. Like they have a project that is a really early stage, and they want to develop and build their network. So that’s probably like the best way, right? If you think Solana is the best chain for your project, you just join the summer camp and and give me the people from all over the world. And you can really like maybe grow your project and increase and grow your network, right? Yeah.

Rupert – Amulet  

I mean, caveat, that it’s even more than that. It’s an online, hackathon, right. So you can find your your, your potential team, if you’ve got an idea, or if you don’t have an ID, you can find the team that you want to join and work with. And so and this is a really big important point. If salon is not the right chain, it doesn’t really matter. This is the opportunity for you to meet people that are like minded and you’ll collectively agree, or perhaps land is not right for us. And we want to be on multiple legs, or we want to be on Etherium or Lightning or whatever it is.

Catheon Gaming  

Interesting, interesting. Yeah. Also, because like the future is probably interoperability, right? I mean, in cross chain. And so yeah, of course, maybe Solana can be your chain of choice, but then you probably need to interact with people that are operating on different chains. So yeah, I mean, that’s great. I mean, I’ll try to join the next one, when I have the time and the chance. And yeah, and to, to your point that like what’s going on with Solana, right? Because of course, as Solana is unfortunately, sometimes famous for their downtime, right, the day it goes down once a month, or whatever. But there have been a couple of hacks in the in the in the last seven, eight days right there like from? Yeah, the bridge, the normal bridge, and like there was hacked, I think for something around $200 million worth of tokens. And then also, when was it like today or yesterday? Like a bunch of I think 1000 Different wallet addresses have been I don’t know that there’s been this like draining of funds from this wallet address is Solana based, and no one knows actually ready, like what’s going on. Now. Maybe you have some ideas, say you have a more detailed idea of what’s going on now. Of course, I just read the news, right?

Rupert – Amulet  

Yeah, I’d love to be able to give you some more concrete evidence about what the exploit actually is. But sadly, I don’t have all of the answers either. And so just to give a little bit of background, the the exploit started this morning, European Time. I suppose I can read yesterday US time. So within the last 24 hours is in short, and the what sadly has been happening is multiple wallets have been drained of their funds and particular USDC has been drained out. And they’ve targeted wallets, which seem to have larger amounts of USDC. And what they’ve been able to the hackers have been able to achieve is to do this by having a seed phrase of the wallet now how they have achieved that is very much unknown at the moment. It is not wallet specific has been happening on Phantom and it’s been happening on other other wallets as well. I forget the other one off the top of my head. But Phantom is the main one that has been impacted. Interestingly, it hasn’t hit hardware wallets and it hasn’t hit exchange wallets. So we are talking about mobile wallets. We’re talking about extension based wallets. And, yeah, it’s been C phrases that have been compromised as really as a very, very base level hack. And the suspicion is that there’s a protocol that somehow has stored a bunch of seed phrases one way or another. And it’s not one that has been hacked, but it’s not been clear yet as to which protocol that is. But it’s somebody who has infiltrated a lot of the Solana ecosystem? And yeah, I think a lot of things are being pointed at moment, but there’s no clear evidence as to what what the, where the hack is that has started and who the perpetrators are.

Catheon Gaming  

Yeah, yeah. And, and this kind of scary, right? I mean, because it’s been so I’ve been in crypto like, like, since 2019. Now, of course, there are people that have been in the, in the, in the space since way before me and and, and and all and the things doesn’t seem to improve in this sense. Because that keep that keep happening like scams and not only scams, I mean, these are like just threats, right? I mean, people stealing funds. And so although like the technology is improving dramatically, and they’re like, of course, the broader market in terms of actors playing is been growing exponentially. And there’s so much interest and more applications for the technology, there’s, there are still all these problems, right? I mean, people and it’s impossible probably to attract a broader audience. If the if it’s not safe, that technology is not safe, right? I mean, like my aunt and my, my mother, or people have, like older than the finance, for instance, or maybe just regular people that are not into crypto or new technology will never use this technology and the blockchain technology, if it’s not at least as safe, as I don’t know transacting with Visa cards and MasterCard or whatever. Or, or offer or comparing it with other web three applications right that it wouldn’t make sense. And, and so I don’t know why my mind now have like, Okay, we need a protection in this case. Yeah, and of course, I don’t want to my intention is not to share your project, but also because the main reason is that I don’t know too much about it. So but I’m really curious. Like, okay, so what’s, how do you guys operate at Amulet? And why do you think there is a need for these? And I don’t know, why did you start with Solana? And also, like, you mentioned Solana and the Rust ecosystem, right? Of course. I mean, many people know what is rusted, but maybe not everyone is like tech savvy. So maybe you can also just give a quick explanation. Okay, what is rust? Everyone knows Solana. But what is rust? 

Rupert – Amulet  

Sure, no worries, no worries. There’s a bunch of questions. So if I missed them off just yet, we asked them to make them short. But, you know, I wish in a perfect world, cover wasn’t necessary. And I wish that in traditional world, I wish that in the DeFi and Web3 world. It would be great if there weren’t people that were thieves. And it’d be great for people that then con you or scam me, it would be great if all Tech was built perfectly, so that there were no flaws. But unfortunately, that is not the case. And I don’t think it will ever be the case. As soon as, as long as there is a human interaction with a system. There’ll always be humans that look to exploit that in one way or another. You’re looking at historically talking about exploits, look, hack, piracy, and piracy of video and music. You know, in the early 90s, we had actually going back to the 80s, right when the cassette tape was created, people were started to copy it on fresh cassette tapes, where they thought, well, we can fix this with having CDs, and then they worked out how to copy it that way. And then when the mp3 came along, we learned how to distribute them and download them peer to peer and copy them that way. And the simple reason is that yeah, I think a lot of that when we think about music now, I think a lot of us do use Spotify and we pay for it in one way or another either through advertising or through you know listening to it and paying for a subscription. And the reason why we are happy to do that right now versus the all the years that we had before versus copying each tape. Is that a the price points correct, but be the accessibility is correct. It’s just so easy. It’s actually easier to download Spotify and just listen to that than it is to download the pirated, copy and listen to that it’s now suddenly easier and accessible and cheaper to, to listen to the, to the proper way. And so when it comes to hacking of of, of protocols and when it comes to, you know money, hackers are always going to go to the most vulnerable points to where they can get the largest amount of money. And that the easiest ways of getting it. For us in DeFi, that means protocols and protocols that have smart contracts, securing hundreds of millions of dollars. And like you said, Do we just see not Nomad we’ve seen on Wormhole we’ve seen on Cream Finance, we see no Badger Dao we’ve seen it on so many different hacks, in fact, $12 billion last year, yeah, not to shell again. But you know, $12 billion was stolen last year through taxi scam, Sue fraud across the ecosystem. And to put that into context, that’s about half the amount of the total revenue that the whole of the Web3 ecosystem generated. So out of all of the revenue that we’re generating, as an industry, right now, we’re tracking half of it out the door, because people are able to happies the system. So I would love for us not to exist, but we really do need to be there because people are being impacted. And I’ve been impacted many times over even as an educated crypto user, I still fall for sophisticated scams and scammers are getting better and better and better because I am being targeted all that time because I am a crypto user. And so how do we bring in, you know, our brothers or sisters or grandmothers, mothers and fathers into this space is by providing the safety nets. So knowing that, hey, even if the bank gets hacked, you still have the support. Now we have that in the real world. We have the FDIC over the US we have the FSCS. In the UK, these guys have large amounts of cash on hand prepared, if the bank goes under, or if they have some sort of massive exploit and they can’t repay you back your money. The government’s going to step in and that money’s there defy we’re not there yet defy we need to protect ourselves. And that’s where amulet come in. And yeah, but that’s why we provide the protection.

Catheon Gaming  

Yeah, yeah. I mean, yeah, the need, of course, like, if you’re looking at this way, and of course, like, it’s pretty clear that we need some safety net, as you said, right. Like, we need cover, because there are so many, so many risks involved in the in the space, as of right now, but probably there will always be given these, like, as you mentioned, is basically it’s probably like any in the intrinsic nature of the human being trying to exploit points of failure in a new technology or existing technology in an existing environment. So yeah, definitely. and just to touch on like, a few other questions that I that I have in mind, so if you can just maybe why did you why did you guys decide to start with Solana for instance? And what is the what is rust, and good questions.

Rupert – Amulet  

So why did we start with Solana and what what is Rust? I’m gonna start with the last one first. So Rust is the programming language used in Solana. In Etherium, the programming languages known as solidity that is probably the most common web three programming language now just because there’s a lot more Etherium based virtual machine chains out there that there are Rust. We we started with Solana because of the speed. So Solana operates at a much higher transaction per second rate than any other chain out there. And they’ve tested it, it actually operates like that. Now, there’s a huge amount of Solana haters out there let you you alluded to the fact that the chain goes down every month and and that sort of stuff. We’re fully aware, we know exactly why the drag chain goes down and we are expecting it to go down a few more times before it goes on to its production version is still in beta at the moment as a as a general remaining as a beta until the problems are sorted out. Is it just a reminder to those who are new to the web space? A theorem is exactly the same. Ethereum got crushed by Cats Crypto Kitties was the In fact, we’ve managed to crash the whole of the Ethereum chain, when that started, the DAO, the original, the DAO crashed the, Etherium chain. So like this is not uncommon when changing, you are young and growing and people can hate on them as much as you like. But it’s a necessary part of development. So we chose because of the higher throughput rate, we also chose because of the way it’s built in terms of using proof of stake versus proof of work. And with proof of stake. actually include that inside our structure. So when you stake onto amulet, which is our underwriting capital that we use to underwrite the cover policies we sell, we put that capital into a proof of stake validator, which generates a yield. And then if there’s ever a claim that comes into Amulet, we pay that claim out of the yield that we’ve generated from the proof of stake validator. This means we protect state assets on our protocol, which is very different to any other DeFi cover protocol, and it’s entirely enabled by working on Solana or a another proof of stake chain.

Catheon Gaming  

Okay, okay. Okay. It’s, it’s a bit more complex, I guess, to grasp it, and then normal cover like a traditional cover option, but yes. Okay. And, and, of course, me and you, we already had a chat about this. But maybe, maybe the, the audience is interested. Because, of course, here casual gaming, we do blockchain gaming, right. And we have and we’re growing our portfolio by the day, we have, I think now, more than 20 titles signed, and I’m ready to not ready to release because most of them are still like working progress. But when the market is, is ready, because now the conditions are not ideal. And we also need to fix some some game economies. Not issues but like topics and stuff. We’re trying to be like the one of the main players in this space, right? And so and so, like how cover like this can can help like a company like ours, like blockchain gaming in general, right? I mean, I guess of course, like, hacks happen everywhere, because we saw like the running chain with x infinity, is there any other case or like application or use cases like casing which we might need, like cover policy? Or many other besides like, regular hearts?

Rupert – Amulet  

Yeah, absolutely. It really are kind of bread and butter. That’s what we do today. That’s, that was a typical, smart contract exploit is a very big one. Of course, it was huge. But that’s that’s exactly what happened. And it was through assets that were stored inside that smart contract. And so that’s where we come along and provide protection. And what we’re finding more and more is that protocols like yourselves are coming to us and wanting to cover all of their customers inside the protocol and provide that at the base level so that they can advertise it to their community and say, Look, you got to put your funds here in order to operate on the game, or I have it works, and we’re going to protect it. And this is how we’re going to protect it, not only in terms of the custodianship , even if that nwallet or to our contract, we put it into gets hacked. And so it’s a really good tool to kind of grow about. So that’s a typical type of cover, where we see the actual growth though, of DeFi cover. And in particular, what I’d like to term as GameFi cover is actually with the users and assets inside the game. So this is exactly what we were talking about on the last call is that you’re now having you’re in a situation where you’re buying assets to use them inside the game, you’re buying swords, you’re buying weapons, you’re buying seeds for to grow in that field. You know, all of these things can be worth more they could be worth less. They could be damaged, they could be lost, they could be stolen, you know If you’re buying something that can be taken away from you, that is a loss, right. And if there is an opportunity for loss, it’s an opportunity. And that’s where really we want to stake our claim. So we’re working with a few different titles. At the moment, I can’t really go into too much detail about what they told you that I can give you examples of what we’re doing. So one of the titles has a way where you buy seeds, and you buy land, and you grow crops. And this is how you make money inside the game. There are actually individual NFT’s, these products that was kind of like, beside the point, you grow these crops, and these crops are extremely valuable, but they are susceptible to when they’re supposed to rain, they are susceptible to Raiders coming in and stealing them. And it’s these areas where we come in and cover the crops, they can be worth quite a lot over time, individually, they may only be worth five bucks. But over time, they could be worth you know, 10s of 1000s of dollars with inside again. And so you really do want to stop protecting me from a very low base level.

Catheon Gaming  

Okay, okay, so So if I understood correctly, you’re almost more BTC like in terms of your, your services or more for the final user. Then, like b2b,, like for the game publisher, for instance, right?

Rupert – Amulet  

We’re actually both

Catheon Gaming  

Because I just have a question. So how does like a regular user, let’s say, Okay, I have my I will make just a quick example, I don’t know, someone steals my I get to hack and if someone steals my precious whatever, land NFT, right, how do I prove that? That I was I was hacked? Like they my wallet was hacked? Like? Like, is there? How do you prove that? How do you verify that?

Rupert – Amulet  

So on a case by case basis to start with and when I say case by case, it’s typically hack by hack, so there’ll be one rule that works for that protocol or that game altogether. So to give you an example, about this, you know, recently, there was a UST hack, right. And I decided there wasn’t a UST hack, there was a, the price of Luna dropped dramatically. And consequently, the UST lost its peg, and that was covered through Unslashed and InsurAce, were very friendly with those, those protocols. So on InsurAce is a good example. You had to submit the evidence to prove that you held ust at the time the hack, you had to submit you had to point to the fact that you had cover as well, which was easy, because you bought it on that that platform? And if you would you can you prove that you had UST at the time and hack by just submitting your wallet address. And there was a system that that verify yes, that UST was in there. And it was worth this much at the time, the payment just went straight out. And it was paid in a different type of stable coin, straight into your wallet. And it was a very quick and efficient process. I think the whole process with them took around three weeks. Now, with us when it comes to a game. It there are some other different parameters about it. So let’s say it’s an asset. It’s a weapon that you had stolen from you or you lost inside the game through one way or another. Typically, we will be working with the game engine to verify that that event has happened, that it has been taken away from you and it is no longer in your possession. And that is being taken away from you in some sort of battle, or some sort of event that is covered for if you just transfer it to somebody, that won’t be an coverable event, because that’s you’re just giving it to a friend and trying to create committed cover fraud. And that’s obviously something that we absolutely want to avoid. And it’s an awful bad practice, right. But in most cases, we’re expecting the game engine to be able to tell us essentially, that the whether or not this is a correct claim or not. And so that’s why it’s important for us to work with the game producers and the people that make and market the gains as well as the users should they want to take out individual policies.

Catheon Gaming  

Okay, okay, that’s clear enough. And and now I’m trying and now I’m entering like the optic of your business. Right. And, and in to my eyes, it’s also probably a safer environment somehow, for like, your cover business than a traditional cover business, right? Because I remember like back in the days, and it’s not something I go proud of, but I had a bunch of friends that they were basically yeah, committing fraud, like a cover fraud. Basically, they would pretend that they got in a car accident, and just had some doctors that they were like other friends and just get a fake certificate, saying that, Oh, this guy got in a car accident. And I don’t know, he broke, like, his ribs or whatever. And, and the cover would just pay because there was a doctor saying these, of course, it was a bit more complicated than this. But instead, in your business model, you’re relying on smart contracts, and everything is somehow very more like safer and easier to verify. I guess I don’t know, at least with this quick comparison. So. Okay, I mean, in short shorts, like for sure, because it’s always easy to say. But then, of course, hackers the problems. The problem is the hackers are really smart. They’re not stupid. Hackers are really smart. So yeah, I mean, most of like, anyway, you’re absolutely correct. 

Rupert – Amulet  

Yeah, hackers are really, really smart, we have to shore up our system to make sure that we have a system that can’t be gained in one way or another. And we put in various stopgaps. I mean, if you read our white paper, you’ll notice that we actually talked about a kill switch, right, and the kill switch is in there specifically for if somebody is able to game our system, we are able to kill it. Now that goes against the by principles, default principles are I should be open and should be not controlled by any one individual. And there shouldn’t be ways of gaming it. But yeah, we are susceptible to hacking as anybody else. There has to be a kill switch. And so that’s why we talk about it in those sorts of ways. But to come back to your your point about your friend’s gaming, and Yeah, unfortunately, trying to take a system that it happens, you know, we are aware of it, there is a reason why, you know, cover costs are always sky high as they are because of those, you know, people that have gamed the system, that it’s not because they were just so many car accidents per year there is there’s there’s that. But then there is also people that are manipulating the system for their own financial game and that we were, every risk protection company knows about it, we it’s something we have to deal with. And my hope is that we have enough stopgaps in place and a robust enough system, that it doesn’t happen. But I’d never guarantee that. And we just got to catch it quickly.

Catheon Gaming  

Yeah, I mean, I think, and I mean, just as a reminder, this, this episode is going to be uploaded on our official YouTube channel, and our official website, probably next week. And so I think that our audience is learning and we’ll learn a lot by this quick chat that we’re having. And just to maybe a final final thoughts about the current state of the market, right. I mean, we seem to be having like a little rally in the market to the total market cap of the whole industry went through industry just crossed the $1 trillion marker. I think it was yesterday, and I don’t know all those like Solana is down 7% Yesterday, because of these hacks. I don’t know, how do you see? Do you have any feeling or maybe you’re you’re not? You’re not trading? Or Anyway, do you have like a feeling about the state of the market? Maybe now and maybe in the next six months? Or what are the sectors that you’re looking at the most? Just find out final thoughts?

Rupert – Amulet  

Yeah, so my, my basic feeling is that it’s a great time to buy into the I’m not a trader. I never have been, I mean, I do little bits and bobs, I’ve created bots. And you know, I’ve done very well out of it, but the are not one to sit at the screen and just take a punt on a on an asset or do some, you know, 30 minutes or the research and say I know enough about them to short them or whatever, my thesis has always been and will continue to be believe in the team, research the, the project or the chain and, and, and invest for the long term. Because if you believe in something, and you should always be investing for the long term. So, you know, I mentioned about the salon is volleyballs and the issues that we we’ve had, and there’s a lot of haters out there and shorts on Solana right now. Yeah, we will probably go back down in the market. Yeah, just looking at market patterns right now I imagine that we can see you know, Bitcoin heading to below the 20s. How far below whether it’ll get done to eight, I don’t know. But it will definitely go down. And then what I’d say definitely I’m not a financial advisor want to be very clear about that. But the my belief, my personal belief is that is going to go back down. And we have much bigger problems, we have a global recession ahead of us. And I think that the only way you’re going to be able to make money is in crypto. And that will drive the next Bull Run, I think the Bull Run is going to be much quicker than the end of the next global recession. And we may even see a couple of bull runs before the we really see more global growth. And yeah, that’s my that’s my my viewpoint. But you know that the kind of short term gain some sense that the other it doesn’t really bother me. I look at Bitcoin, I’m going to be pulling out my bitcoin when it hits a million, and I’m not doing anything Until then.

Catheon Gaming  

Yeah, I mean, I like being a trader is probably like a full time job, right? I mean, and we have, like, you and me and other people probably are doing other things with our life. And I’m not disrespecting, of course, who’s a trader? I mean, I do trade here and there sometimes. And it’s fun. It’s like a game for me. But of course, it’s not. Yeah, and and also, yeah, I agree. I mean, inflation is through the roof. And, and, and I do think as well, you’re probably we’re gonna see like a downturn sooner than later this year. But of course, none of us is a financial advice advisors. So just just my random thoughts, but But what I do think as well, is that probably crypto not necessarily like these, these cryptos that we these coins this project that we see out there right now, but will be the answer to today’s financial system system problems, right, that today’s the problems that we see today, in the financial system, probably and not only in the financial system, probably like web three and blockchain technology will be the solution for most of these. So I agree in the long term vision, that’s what matters, and that’s why we’re here. Otherwise, we wouldn’t be here. So well, 

Rupert – Amulet  


Catheon Gaming  

Yeah. So yeah, guys, I mean, thanks, everyone for for joining for of course. You can, you can find the Amulet, Rupert and the Amulet project on LinkedIn on Twitter. They’re doing great stuff. And yeah, and of course, like, you can find this episode on our YouTube channel as I mentioned, and thanks for much Rupert for for for being here. I really loved it.

Rupert – Amulet  

Thank you very much for having me. And thanks, everybody for tuning in. I’m looking forward to our future partnership!

Catheon Gaming  

Yeah, yeah, can’t wait for it. And yeah, we’ll be in touch for sure. Thanks, everyone, and see you in the next one.

Rupert – Amulet  

Bye bye.

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