Amulet Social Media Report – September 2022

Amulet Protocol was announced as a project in April 2022. We have been working on growing our social channels organically and here is our lowdown of what went on during the month of September. 

Amulet is tweeting daily and our community use Discord as their main form of communication. On August 30th 2022, we launched the AmuNation app, our fun bounty campaign to engage our community through daily rewards and tasks which has still been ongoing throughout September..

Make sure to follow our socials here:

Access our Twitter here:

Join our Discord server here:

Follow our Telegram Announcements:

Subscribe to our YouTube channel here:

Follow our Linkedin company profile here:

Subscribe to our Soundcloud here:

If you want to read our August Social Media report, just click here.

September Twitter Highlights:

September has been an incredible month with regards to Social Media Growth and particularly Twitter. Twitter is currently our biggest audience and we’ve seen insane growth over the last 30 days. The current information is accurate on 01/10/2022 (2AM SGT time).

Twitter Stats:

  • Tweet volume has increased by 16.8%
  • In September our Twitter had 728k+ impressions (Increase of 626.3%)
  • We had over 1.08m visits to our Twitter account in September
  • We received 43.3k mentions

September Special Moments:

Between September 16th – 23rd, we were the 5th most engaged Twitter account on the whole Solana ecosystem!

On September 28th, Caitlyn Jenner retweeted our Tweet to her 3.4m followers and stayed on the top of her profile up until today – hopefully longer! (October 1st):

Our Tweet with the highest engagement:

The external Tweet about us with the highest engagement:

Discord Update

In September, we increased our verified users by a significant amount. We also added new features to allow people to track our social media following:

Games night have continued and our Poker Night reached full capacity of 300.

We also introduced our AMA Stage as we outgrew the voice channel. Our last AMA received over 200 listeners and there were no incentives. The community have supported us incredibly.

We’ve also updated our icon and banner to become animated. Created a really unique and valuable server for us and the AmuNation!

Current Followers  (as of 2am SGT 01/1022)

Current Twitter Followers: 29,023 (401.6% increase from August report)

Current Verified Discord Members: 25,935 (335.7% increase from August report)

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